Get More 5-Star Reviews Online

Activating guest reviews at your restaurant

In order to boost your online reputation and attract more customers, Eat App offers a powerful tool that allows you to collect 5-star reviews automatically

With this feature, you can streamline the review collection process, direct guests to review your restaurant on popular platforms, and ensure that you don't miss any positive feedback

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To get started, we’ve put together a step-by-step guide to help you activate and utilize this feature effectively.

Activating the Guest Reviews feature:

To begin using the Guest Reviews feature in Eat App, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to your Eat App admin account at using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to the "Features" tab.
  3. Locate and click on "Guest reviews".
  4. Toggle the feature REVIEWS ACTIVE and click UPDATE to activate it.

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You can also access the Guest Reviews feature by searching for "Reviews" on the setup page in

Once activated, proceed to set your preferences and customize the feature according to your needs.


Collecting reviews at the table:

To collect reviews at the table using the Guest Reviews feature, follow these steps:

1. Visit and go to the "Features" tab.

2. Select "Guest reviews" and navigate to the "Review at table" section.

3. Set your QR Code description by entering a concise and engaging text.

4. Download the QR Codes generated by the system.

5. Print the QR Codes on stickers, coasters, or table tents and place them on the respective tables for guests to scan.

Alternatively, you can contact Eat App to obtain branded coasters or printable table tents.

6. Ensure the QR Codes are clearly visible and easily scannable by your guests.

Getting more 5-star reviews online: 

To direct guests to review your restaurant on popular platforms such as Google, follow these steps:

1. Visit and go to the "Features" tab.

2. Select "Guest reviews" and navigate to the "Get 4+ reviews only" section.

3. Enter a compelling description for the Feedback page for customers who leave 4 or 5 stars.

4. Enter the desired button text, which should encourage guests to leave a review.

5. Provide the URL of the review page for the desired platform (e.g., Google).

  • To obtain the URL for Google reviews, go to your Google Business Listing, write a review, copy the URL, and paste it here.

6. Click on "Update" to save the changes.

For a quick demo, send an email to with the subject line "Get 5-Star Reviews". 

Here's the steps your visitors take to leave a review:

Once you have set up the Guest Reviews feature, you can expect the following process for your visitors to leave a review:

1. The customer scans the QR code placed on their table.

2. The customer leaves a rating based on their experience. 

a) For positive ratings, the page will prompt them to rate the venue on the social media platform of your choice. 

b) For negative ratings, Eat App will store the ratings and feedback internally to help improve the customer's experience in the future.

3. By collecting more 5-star reviews, you will enhance your online reputation and attract more future visitors to your restaurant.


By leveraging Eat App's Guest Reviews feature, you can efficiently collect 5-star reviews that are linked to reservations, direct guests to review your restaurant on popular platforms, and gather feedback at the table. 

Taking advantage of this powerful tool will help improve your online reputation and attract more customers to your establishment.