Guest management

In Eat App, your digital guest book is where all your customer data is stored. You can access this at any point by clicking on "Guests" > "Guest List"  in your left-hand sidebar.

On the left of this view, you will see a list of every single guest that has ever visited your restaurant. While on the right you will see a full guest profile.




Guest Profile

A specific guest profile is where you will be able to see all information related to a specific guest. At the top of the page, a quick summary of the guest's reservation history is displayed.

To add a new guest, click "Add New Guest" on the bottom left.

You can also add a new guest while creating a reservation, click "add new guest" under the guest search bar while making a reservation to create a guest profile.

Add new guest

Guest profiles are divided into two tabs:

  1. Profile
  2. Reservations


This is where you will be able to view and edit guest profiles.

Guest Profile

Guest profiles contain:

  1. Basic information about the guest such as their first and last name, title, phone number and email address.
  2. More basic information about the guest that is not essential but could be helpful for restaurant operation, this includes job title, company, gender, birthday. anniversary, address, alternative phone and email.
  3. The option to opt-in for marketing is available in the profile tab, where you can enable or disable this feature for each guest.
  4. Guest Tags: This is where you will be able to assign and view tags to a guest. These tags can include everything from "VIP Guest" to "Regular Customer" and are completely customizable.
  5. Guest Notes: You can add internal guest notes in this field.
  6. Delete Guest: At the bottom of the page you can also delete a guest

When any changes have been made to a guest profile, make sure to click "Save Changes".


Guest LTV

Restaurants with POS integration can also view a customer's lifetime value right from the Profile tab in a guest profile. This will give you quick insight into:

  • Total Spend
  • Spend per cover
  • Upcoming Reservations
  • Breakdown of a guest's reservation history

This information is available both for the restaurant you are currently viewing as well as at a group level if you are using Eat App to manage multiple restaurants.

Guest LTV

Reservation History

The "Reservations" tab shows the entire history of that particular guest.

Clicking any reservation will provide you with a full reservation details pop-up where you can view and make changes to any bookings that a specific guest has made.

The filters at the top of this view will allow you to search for specific reservations, filter based on specific criteria and change how you want to group bookings. The group search toggle will group reservations based on the restaurant they were created for (this is for users that are managing multiple restaurants using Eat App).

Possible Duplicates

If this guest shares a phone number or email with another guest, this will be displayed in the "Possible Duplicates" tab. From here you can merge more than one guest and combine all their reservation history.

You can quickly scan for possible duplicate guests by clicking the filter icon by the guest search bar and toggling on "Show" possible duplicates. Now, you'll be able to scroll through your guest list and quickly spot which guests have possible duplicates. The number next to the icon indicates how many possible duplicates this guest may have.


When choosing to merge a guest, you will need to decide which first name, last name, phone, and email gets stored.

The guest merging feature requires special permissions which can be edited from your user tab on Learn more here.

Finding Guests

Search for guests using the search bar on top left of the guest page. You can search for guests by their:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number

At any point you can click "Create Reservation" in the guest profile to create a booking with this guest. Or you can press "Delete Guest" to delete them from your table management system.