Restaurant Automation - Overview

Set up automatic operations in Eat App to increase efficiency at your restaurants.

The Eat App automation suite gives you rule based automations in your table management and CRM system to help you automate repetitive tasks, as well as optimizing parts of your business.

Eat App provides common automations you can start using immediately or set up your own with a fully customizable automation builders.


What can you do with Automations?

Get more 4+ star reviews on Google - When a customer leaves a positive review in the post-dining feedback survey, automatically send them an email asking them to review your restaurant on Google.

Tag guests based on keywords in notes - If your staff write notes in a certain way, create an automation that tags a guest based on what they have written in the guest notes. 

Automatically have a richer guest database with Tags - Set up automated tags for your guests to save staff time with tagging. Example: tag a guest with 'frequent visitor' if they've dined with you more than 3 times.

Segment and tag guests when they purchase certain items - With POS integration activated you can tag a guest based on what they ordered from your menu.

Automatically send follow-up emails after a visit - Automatically send follow-up emails after a visit thanking them and encouraging them to book again.