Find out why more than 3,000 restaurants trust Eat App

I like that Eat App is easy to use. I like the way the data presents itself. The way you put in your tags, guest notes, and there is a way you can do a guest note printout that I find really helpful.


Owner, Wolfpeach

From on-boarding to roll-out, the system’s user-friendliness made our transition to a digital solution smooth. I highly recommend it to any restaurant seeking efficiency and improved guest experiences.

Akhtar Bakerally

Project Director, Sugar Beach

The support is excellent and responsive. If you put in a request, they always answer you and they answer quickly. Everybody was really good at getting us set up. The pricing I thought was very, very reasonable.

Kevin Brown

Owner, Riggers Loft

Eat App makes it a lot easier for us to track our regulars, how much they are spending, their special requests and any notes they make. We're able to give our regulars that extra bit of service.


Operations, GBL Group

Honestly, reservation-wise, Eat App is one of the best reservation systems I have worked with. And the support team is great. They reply to you at night, no matter how late. And this is what a restaurant needs.

Etienne Sabbagh

Managing Partner, Baron 

I love the floor visualization and how easy it is to understand our customer data. It's super easy, super simple. It’s user-friendly and not hard to understand.

Pedro Pablo Pazos

GM, La Cuadra de Salvador