Guide for Website Owners/IT Managers to Install Eat App Booking Widget

Step-by-step guide to install booking widget into your restaurant website and other digital channels for guests to make reservations seamlessly.

Enable booking widget for restaurant website
  1. Once your shift is created, your booking widget will be available in you Advanced Settings. [If your shift has yet to be created, please do so before proceeding to add a booking widget, click here to see how to set up shift].
  2. In the Advanced Settings, on the left side of the screen, you will see there are three options (widget link, widget iframe and widget installation).
  3. We highly recommend to create reservation button using widget link as it is the most common way of installing a booking widget on your webpage. 
  4. Click on widget link and on your right side of your screen, it will display your restaurant booking link. You can also get the booking link from the email you have received.
  5. Copy and paste the booking link into <a href....../a> of the reservation button in your webpage.
  6. For a detailed walkthrough on the above, please watch the video below. 

    *Please note that the video has a walkthrough for both widget iframe and widget installation as well. However, we do highly recommend you to install reservation button using widget link.


Enable booking widget in Google

To complete this setup, please refer to the guide here.


Enable booking widget in Facebook and Instagram

To complete this setup, please refer to the guide here.