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Today's guests have a few expectations when booking a table. Not only do they want a seamless experience from the beginning of their reservation to...

2 May 2024
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Guest Experience

A Guide to Improving the Steps of Fine Dining Service

Fine dining restaurant is more than just a restaurant with excellent food. Running a fine-dining restaurant is about creating a perfect dine-in experience and making each guest ...

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19 September 2023


51 Tasks Eat App Automatically Does For You

Are you tired of spending countless hours on administrative tasks when you could be focusing on creating memorable experiences for your guests? Look no further than Eat App,...

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14 September 2023


10 Top Restaurant Email Marketing Strategies to Win Customers

Email marketing is a hot topic across different industries, and marketers swear it makes a difference in almost every niche. Restaurant email marketing presents an engaging and...

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14 September 2023

Guest Experience

How to Understand Your Venue Better From Your Reviews

Restaurant reviews are a valuable source of feedback from your customers. They can tell you what you're doing well, and where you can improve. But with so many reviews to sift...

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14 September 2023


How to Create Restaurant Email Lists (A Complete Guide)

Many restaurant owners forget about email when considering how they can interact with and reach their customers. It sounds stale. It might be interpreted as spam. How do you even...

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13 September 2023


34 Restaurant Email Marketing Subject Lines that Convert

Do you send emails to the customers of your restaurant but find that only a few of them have been opened? That could be connected to the topic lines you're employing. As the...

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8 September 2023


13 Best Ways Restaurants Can Reduce No-Shows (With Examples)

Last-minute cancellations and restaurant no-shows can be very frustrating, especially when you’re holding a table during busy hours. "We would have nights with a dozen or so...

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6 September 2023


21 Best Restaurant Instagram Accounts Owning It

As a restaurant reservation system provider, we love to follow fabulous restaurant Instagram accounts for inspiration. We also really, really love food (as evidenced by this...

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6 September 2023


How to Make a Restaurant Website (A Complete Guide)

Your restaurant website is your new front door. That's why it's so important to create a website that is informative, engaging, and visually appealing. Your website should...

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31 August 2023

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